Tuesday, December 23, 2008

smoking & smiling

It might kill you, but damn it's sexy...

Can't stop listening to 'Suzanne'. It's in my top ten, definitely.


I really dislike department stores, a lot. The snobbish people who work in them and the overly expensive items they sell. However, in order to celebrate the holidays my friend and I went to the fanciest one in Copenhagen and tried on overpriced head gear...
(I want this hat so bad!!)

Some people you've just gotta love.. this is one of them!

We went ice skating and had a fantasmiclysuperamazingly great time...

This is how freakin' beautiful this city of mine is at Christmas time, I'm so in love with it...

...and I made plans to party Mexican style in January. Oh happiness, thanks for stopping by today!


Matt said...

Ah, Copenhagen, I must visit this lovely city some day. And that hat is freaking amazing, looks good on you!

Shaelan said...

Can I have your city?