Sunday, January 25, 2009

cohen and regrets

It's funny, when I have nothing to write about I always post random junk like this.

I want this...

I really do.


One year ago, on the 18th of January 2008 to be exact, I found out that she was sick.
It took less than a year.
One year.

I remember that my dad was the one who picked up the phone. He normally never did that. At that moment I knew that something wasn't right.
I made that call on a Friday.
Sunday I went to Budapest for a week. I still feel so, so bad about the fact that I did that. I should have stayed at home with her and the rest of my family.
Of course I should.

It was all so unreal. It still is.

1 comment:

Rosequirk2789 said...

That album cover is so darn pretty. <3 Leonard Cohen.

I think you are in need of a hug. *e-hug*