Tuesday, November 18, 2008

ooops i did it again..

Somehow this financial crisis doesn't seem to stop me from spending way too much money on records... I wonder why? Yes, I accidentally went into this shop where they had millions and millions of used records (no lie!). And since I needed some Beatles albums in my little collection pretty badly I picked up these three babies... And I've been listening to them constantly all afternoon! Rubber Soul is my favourite as it has one of my all time favourite Beatles tunes, 'In my Life', on it... OH, and it is t
he UK version of the album which apparently means that it has 14 tracks instead of the 12 which is on the US counterpart - yay! I would like to frame the Abbey Road and Help! covers, it would look so cool, but it is not really an option it seems..
My last purchase of the day is Tom Waits' Blue Valentine which is quite fantastic as well, I just love that guy's voice. So yeah, I definitely found a new favourite record store, but I'm afraid I'll go completely bankrupt if I go there again - maybe next month..!

I was in the mood to do a video today, however, all inspiration seemed to have left my body... It will come back though, I'm sure.
And hey, how about all of that love flowing around on the interwebz lately? If that's not amazing I don't know what is... It makes me awfully happy! The only downside is that I feel so far away from everything being stuck in this tiny little country of mine...

Oh well, what to do about it?



Anonymous said...

what? the financial crisis is there too?

Where the heck is the white album?!?!

Eshniner Forest said...

I love the beatles too much. :)

Kristalyn said...

You want to hear the sad story of me and my Beatles albums? I used to listen to them all the time in my basement, then one summer we had an electrical fire down there and I don't know if they were destroyed of if they were just packed away into boxes. If they are packed into boxes it would take forever for me to go through all of them :(

Shaelan said...

so happy for you!
i have those albums too, along with let it be which i picked up this summer